Greater Impact Vision Banquet

Join us for our upcoming Agua Resources Greater Impact Vision Banquet on February 22nd, 2018.  Contact us for more information and/or fill out our commitment form.

My Agua Resources Commitment


  1. John Hale says:

    Tentatively planning to attend. The mission is vitally important to so many. I remember Padre Tomas lamenting how 20 years of drilling wells has contributed so greatly to reducing illnesses from water-borne bacteria. And how the lines at his clinic have greatly reduced because of fresh water becoming available from wells, especially for families who could not afford bottled water from vendors. Also, I’m reminded how a river of fresh water is usually available only 25-50 feet below ground level in the Atoyac area, a blessing ready for exploiting. I could go on and on about the blessings gained from being involved in the AguaResources water well program, but need not ramble on.